

M. Eichenlaub, S. Pleus, G. Freckmann (2024): “A Proposal for the Clinical Characterization of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Trend Arrow Accuracy”. February 2024. [Link]

S. Pleus, M. Eichenlaub, D. Waldenmaier, G. Freckmann (2024): “Even Head-to-Head Comparison Studies of Continuous Glucose Monitoring System Performance Can be Biased”. February 2024. [Link]

M. Eichenlaub, et al. (2024): “Comparator Data Characteristics and Testing Procedures for the Clinical Performance Evaluation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. February 2024. [Link]

S. Pleus, M. Link, R. Hinzmann, S. Öter, M. Eichenlaub, et al. (2024): “Effect of Arterialization on Venous Blood Glucose Concentrations and Implications for Observed Continuous Glucose Monitoring Accuracy”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. February 2024. [Link]


G. Freckmann, M. Eichenlaub, D. Waldenmaier, et al. (2023): “Clinical Performance Evaluation of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems: A Scoping Review and Recommendations for Reporting”. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. August 2023. [Link]

J. Kölle, M. Eichenlaub, J. Mende, M. Link, B. Vetter, E. Safary, S. Pleus, C. Haug, G. Freckmann (2023): “Performance Assessment of Three Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes”. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. February 2023. [Link]

P. Stephan, M. Eichenlaub, D. Waldenmaier, S. Pleus, M. Rothenbühler, C. Haug, G. Freckmann (2023): “A statistical approach for assessing the compliance of integrated continuous glucose monitoring systems with FDA accuracy requirements”. Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics. 25(3). [Link]


M. Eichenlaub, P. Stephan, D. Waldenmaier, S. Pleus, M. Rothenbühler, C. Haug, R. Hinzmann, A. Thomas, J. Jendle, P. Diem, G. Freckmann (2022): “Continuous Glucose Deviation Interval and Variability Analysis (CG-DIVA): A Novel Approach for the Statistical Accuracy Assessment of Continuous Glucose Monitoring Systems”. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. November 2022. [Link]

S. Pleus, M. Eichenlaub, T. Gerber, E. Eriksson Boija, K. Makris, C. Haug, G. Freckmann (2022): “Improving the Bias of Comparator Methods in Analytical Performance Assessments Through Recalibration”. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. October 2022. [Link]

M. Eichenlaub, R. Ziegler, L. Heinemann, D. Waldenmaier, U. Kamecke, C. Haug, G. Freckmann (2022): “Patch Pumps: Periodic Insulin Delivery Patterns”. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. April 2022. [Link]

M. Eichenlaub, S. Pleus, R. Shaginian, J. Richardson, S. Pardo, A. Stuhr and G. Freckmann (2022): “Impact of Blood Glucose Monitoring System Accuracy on Clinical Decision Making for Diabetes Management”. Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. March 2022. [Link]

J. Mende, M. Eichenlaub, D. Waldenmaier, C. Haug, G. Freckmann, R. Ziegler (2022): “Evaluation of the Accuracy and Reliability of a Tubeless Insulin Infusion System Under Laboratory Conditions”, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. January 2022, [Link]


M. Eichenlaub, M.P. Saccomani, J. Hattersley, N. Khovanova (2021): “Comment on “Minimal and Maximal Models to Quantitate Glucose Metabolism: Tools to Measure, to Simulate and to Run in Silico Clinical Trials””, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. October 2021, [Link]

M. Eichenlaub, N. Khovanova, M. Gannon, F. Nuttall, J. Hattersley (2021): “A Glucose-Only Model to Extract Physiological Information from Postprandial Glucose Profiles in Subjects with Normal Glucose Tolerance”. In: Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology. July 2021 [Link]

M. Eichenlaub, J. Hattersley, M. Gannon, F. Nuttall, N. Khovanova (2021): “Bayesian identification of the oral minimal model of glucose dynamics from non-fasting conditions using a new function of glucose appearance”. In: Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 200. [Link]

M. Eichenlaub (2021): “On the relationship between a Gamma distributed precision parameter and the associated standard deviation in the context of Bayesian parameter inference”, arXiv:2101.06289, [Link]


M. Eichenlaub (2020): “Mathematical modelling of glucose dynamics in normal and impaired glucose tolerance”, PhD Thesis, University of Warwick [PDF]

M. Eichenlaub, J. Hattersley, N. Khovanova (2020): “Modelling of Glucose Dynamics and Estimation of Insulin Sensitivity from Glucose Data Only”. In: 2019 Diabetes Technology Meeting Abstracts, Journal of Diabetes Science and Technology, 14 (2). [PDF]


M. Eichenlaub, J. Hattersley, N. Khovanova (2019): “A Minimal Model Approach for the Description of Postprandial Glucose Responses from Glucose Sensor Data in Diabetes Mellitus”. In: 2019 41st Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC), Berlin, 23-27 July 2019, p. 265-268 [PDF]

M. Eichenlaub, J. Hattersley, N. Khovanova (2019): “A Model Describing the Multiphasic Dynamics of Mixed Meal Glucose Responses in Healthy Subjects”. In: World Congress on Medical Physics and Biomedical Engineering 2018. IFMBE Proceedings, vol 68/1. [PDF]

C. Kalkbrenner, R. Brucher, T. Kesztyüs, M. Eichenlaub, W. Rottbauer, D. Scharnbeck (2019): “Automated sleep stage classification based on tracheal body sound and actigraphy”. In: GMS German Medical Science 17 [PDF]


C. Kalkbrenner, M. Eichenlaub, S. Rüdiger, C. Kropf-Sanchen, W. Rottbauer, R. Brucher (2018): “Apnea and heart rate detection from tracheal body sounds for the diagnosis of sleep-related breathing disorders”. In: Medical and Biological Engineering and Computing 56(4), p. 671-681 [PDF]


C. Kalkbrenner, M. Eichenlaub, S. Rüdiger, C. Kropf-Sanchen, R. Brucher, W. Rottbauer (2017): “Validation of a New System Using Tracheal Body Sound and Movement Data for Automated Apnea-Hypopnea Index Estimation”. In: Journal of Clinical Sleep Medicine 13(10), p. 1123-1130. [PDF]